Monday, August 13, 2012

Anyone Catch This?

In The Dark Knight Bruce goes to Lucius to get a lighter material for the bat armor. Right? Well after Fox shows him the new material Bruce asks, "How will it hold up against dogs?", Fox response, "Are we talking Rottweilers or Chihuahuas? Should do fine against cats". Cats. Why would he say that? Maybe a easter egg by Christopher Nolan only to set up for the next movie, The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman claws her way up onto the big screen again. Now in The Dark Knight Rises Gordon is brought down to Banes lair in the sewers and after getting shot at he spends most of the time in the hospital. John Blake goes to tell Bruce the news and tells him that Gordon has been babbling about an underground army and a masked man. Bruce then says why are you telling me this and not your superior officers. Blake then goes on to say, "I did. One of them asked if he also saw any giant alligators down there". Is this another easter egg by Nolan connecting to the Gotham Rouge, Killer Croc? Could Mr Waylon Jones be in the next Batman movie?

Welcome to the Madhouse - Jackie

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome To The Madhouse

You must mad to live in a city like Gotham. Anyway, the name's Jackie and I am a huge fan of the Batman. People the know me well call me Crane, hence my last name. Well here I am, my blog of The Batman, and all his glory. Bear with me this is my first one. I'm going to be testing fonts and such so get ready for a wild ride.

Welcome to the Madhouse - Jackie